The airline didn't allow carrion luggage.
Interactive Joke of the Day Mug
Coffee Mug
Wizz Air
A Polish man calls up an airline. "How long is the flight from Chicago to Warsaw?" "One minute..." "Thank you."
There were Poles on the right half of the plane.
The pole dance.
Love doesn't burn. What's worst part about making love to a dead baby. Digging up the coffin. How long does take to play hide and seek with a dead baby? It depends how small the pieces are.
The color. Yes, this is an anti-joke. Downvote please.
They always shoot the black
None... they just shoot the room for being black.
Da Beers
They both shred footage. (*be gentle, it's my first time.*)
They like rock.
On the rocks
Malaysia Airlines Flight 370
Malaysia Airlines only has been shot down once.
An optical Aleutian.
Sarah Palin
A. A nun falling down a flight of stairs.
Be sharp or Be flat.