They were in airplane mode. (I'm so sorry)
Couple's Daily Question Mug
Coffee Mug
Because I turned on airplane mode, and thought it would turn my Iphone into a plane...
Put it into airplane mode
Put it into airplane mode.
A snowman blowing his nose!!!!!!!!
I'll lay down and you can blow the hell out of me!
Because it wanted to be a texta.
Host: What's your friend's name Me: Wikipedia.
I think I'll just hang around.
They thought she might have been slipped a woofie.
They ordered pepperoni but all they got was plane.
9" 11
A: You should bill Gates.
The console. What was JFK Jr's wife drinking when the plane crashed? Ocean Spray.
Carry it around in your pocket for a while and it'll be on every selfie you take.
Does anyone have a charger I could use "
Root Beer Floats!
A barredvark!
You would too if you had to fly Alitalia.
A pilot, you racist.