A puppy eventually grows up and stops whining. Thanks to PuddinHead742 for this one.
One less drunken Irishman
Gator-raid. <3 edit: Learned the difference between a crocodile and alligator.
A dogerpillar (Thank you Laffy Taffy for the worst best joke I've ever heard)
A sub woofer. Thank you & God Bless
A puppy.
What if my house burns down
Interviewer:what is skeleton? Sardar:Sir, skeleton is a person who started dieting but forgot to stop it..!!!
Me: I love you. 911: Hang up. Me: No you hang up. 911: Stop. Me: This is so us.
Let my peephole grow!
You get to grow old together.
Nationalized wine.. Sounds like the right wing will have some whine too.
A: A puppy stops whining after it grows up.