Not Ali....
Couple's Daily Question Mug
Coffee Mug
Ali-luyah at last you've opened the door !
Because they look for contributors to open sores.
The octopus because it is well armed.
Kobe beef
To render the buildings on the other side
asks a commander. - Two soldiers step forward. - All right. I bought a piano. Take it to my apartment on the fourth floor.
Dead Ant, Dead Ant....Dead Ant, Dead Ant, Dead Ant...
Stephen Hawking after a house fire.
Polar bears won't be able to keep their cokes cold.
Eric Clapton would never drop a pound of coke.
Michael J Fox's signature.
Marty Mc. FLyyyyyyyyy!
In the *pew*.
In the womb, he used to fight bald clowns. (Self made joke)