Interactive Joke of the Day Mug
Coffee Mug
Mr. Bigger's baby, because he's just a little Bigger.
The baby, because she's a little bigger.
Silly dad, the internet told me all you have to do is be a Christian.
Mr. Bigger Or Mr. Bigger's baby The baby, because it is a little Bigger.
Second Clown: I always perform in the big top.
Because air is free
Because they got big fingers.
It's tail !
Elephant snot. Funniest part is seeing people's reaction when you tell it.
A tree.
Cos Chernobyl fall out
Nothing, she just stood there with a sour puss
Because the prick's behind the wheel
A mining company puts miners in shafts.
One is greasy with big eyes. The other's a fish.
A big-eye deer!
Well, the flag's a big plus.
When you drink a bad coffee in Switzerland you say, "Merci!".
The pricks are on the outside of a porcupine
A porcupine has the pricks on the outside!