Your research funding suspended and a severe reprimand from the ethics committee.
Couple's Daily Question Mug
Coffee Mug
A stern rebuke from the ethics committee and an immediate withdrawal of funds.
Revocation of your grant money and a stern rebuke from the ethics committee.
They're always looking for Grant money.
He was a lion.
Fast food
Somebody who stays up all night torturing himself mentally over the question whether or not theres a dog.
Because she couldn't keep her hands to herself.
He was already suspended.
One is weasily recognised and the other is stoatally different
Pop,goes the weasel.
Because it's always ten-to-cool time...
I dont know, but it sure as hell can pick apples.
A reprimand from the Scientific Ethics and Integrity Committee and an immediate withdrawal of your grant funding.
Reprimand from the university ethics board and immediate withdrawal of all research grants.
A stern rebuke from the Ethics Committee, and an immediate cessation of funding.