The grip.
Couple's Daily Question Mug
Coffee Mug
Your grip.
grips lighter* "I'm not sure yet"
A: It's all in the grip.
A: Two: One to hold it one to hammer it in.
A slipper. (Made this up today, but almost definitely will have been made up before by someone else)
A bus-load of babies on fire.
A firecracker.
When you start them, they made the sound "runnnniganiganiganiga" Sorry for the racism, but had to share this.
Shouldn't they be revving chainsaws and burning stuff down
a STAGE CURTAIN? A: When you pull down the STAGE CURTAIN, the show is over, but when you pull down the UNDERWEAR..... it's SHOWTIME!!!
To keep their ankles warm.
To get a better grip on the broom
How do you get a witch pregnant?
An Anglo Saxin'
Because the trombone is a sax offender.
You grabbit.
It's tough to stand on your own when you have no spine.
Well that came out of the purple
They figured three squares was enough for the sewers to handle.