Because asteroids was already taken.
Couple's Daily Question Mug
Coffee Mug
He works them out with a pencil.
A stand up guy
Surely they should be called asteroids? :
If I fits I sitz."
Mine is hickey on a hemorrhoid.
The ultrasound guy
4. Prophet.
Simplifying Radicals. Yes, she's a math teacher.
Sin Pi
Because it was a Number 2.
When it's broke.
fixed) 100. 1 to change it and 99 to stand around and complain about how they coulda done a better job.
but we would never know because he couldn't stand up
The girl who puts it there.
A Neckromancer
Mandel broth Ha ha ha The puns I make up while working as a grocery cashier..
They both stop working when you take their chains off. Edit: Oh, I'm sorry. I thought this was America. By the way, got this from AskReddit.
He is so misunderstood.
Nothing, Pink Panther doesn't talk!
Mount Rushmore
A dead one.