You get milk.
Interactive Joke of the Day Mug
Coffee Mug
Don Juan de Marco Polo.
By seducing it
Well, first off, it's called a lamp...
You don't, because cows don't have phones.
They have a lot of moo/neigh.
He got the cold shoulder.
They Neverland.
You stop milking a cow after 150 years.
A: The cow fell on her.
You'd turn red too if you had to change in the street.
Turn the udder cheek and mooooove on!
Put a scratch and sniff at the bottom of a swimming pool.
What's blue, orange and lying at the bottom of a swimming pool? A baby with popped floaties.
Good morniiiiiiing ladies!"
One is a group of cunning little runts.... the other is a group of running little C