A dog that will run to the shop to get your paper and bring back last weeks paper !
A person who stays up all night contemplating the existence of dog.
Is there a dog?
Why did the house cross the road, One of the most difficult to solve cross the road jokes, I'll give the answer when you all give.
A smell that keeps coming back!
He was expecting showers.
He got lost in the maize.
In sainsburys
ME: Well...u know that shop where u saw that ring you love W: OMG YES M: I'm catching Pokemon near there
Because blackmail is illegal.
Paper or plasic?
Chocolate Ice Cream in July!
You need to RAN through a campground because it's past tents.
Something you do for the first week of the new year.
A: HOLY MOLE' Thank you, I'll be in r/dadjokes all week!
Top Gear,
A Labrador.