Because it was stationary.
Interactive Joke of the Day Mug
Coffee Mug
It was a work of friction.
A book has papers.
They aint ever got any papers
A waist of paper.
Women's rights.
It's a rough crowd ...Ba da bum chssh
Teacher: Why is your paper blank? Student: Sometimes silence is the best answer ! :D :D
A pedo file
A notebook has papers. -I'll see myself out now
Couple's Daily Question Mug
Three, one suggests to check if it is plug in, another recommends to reboot the printer, and finally one to check to see if the printer had paper and laugh about how easy the solution was.
Paper or plasic?
To get it pier reviewed.
Because baggers can't be choosers,
One of them has papers.
Zoo Keeper:"Don't be silly he can't read!"
Because it LED THE WAY! I'm on a roll here! this is fun! Skip
He was told to draw the curtains before going to sleep.
He didn't sight sources.
Wrapping paper.
Because blackmail is illegal.
answer "Scissors." then drive away..
You can't make a paper aeroplane out of an elephant !
The same way he solved all other problems: He worked it out with a pencil and paper.
Me: I wrote what I knew, I copied what I didn't knew.
Math, it's due Friday" *I slowly crumple the paper and put it in my mouth* They'll never believe u
JESUS: "God loves you." You BUDDHA (crumpling paper that says Life Is Suffering): Me too
A square one.*
A ruff draft.
Because baggers can't be choosers.
A dog that will run to the shop to get your paper and bring back last weeks paper !
SOME GUY: Laptop everyone applauds...w/ tears in my eyes i crumple a paper that says Kneeputer
Because it was ripped.
They didn't czech his papers.
Have faith, don't question.
They both only really work on paper
That's a waist of paper!"
Never's tearable
Because they've been coming out of the closet since before it was cool.
It twerks!" I don't know how this came to me..
A row bot
Optimus .
The close thing I came to having friends with benefits was .......... convincing my friend to bring food for me daily.
Grandpa. :(
E-l-l-e-e-f-a-n-t "That's not how the dictionary spells it" "You didn't ask me how the dictionary spelt it !"
A pack o'derms
Wheeeee!!!! --hey, at least it's a fun joke for kids!
The Tortoise or the Reddit Servers
Son: Dad, is God man or a woman? Dad: His both, son. Son: Dad, is God black or white? Dad: His both, son. Son: Dad, is God good or bad? Dad: His both, son. Son: Dad, is God - Michael Jackson?
BringemYoung University
They both tend to shoot up schools.
Student:I don't know. Teacher: Bark, my child, bark. Student: Bow, wow, wow.
A PDF file.
The teacher was rather bewildered. "Don't you mean Michael " she asked. "No ma'am. I've written the 'M' already."