Couple's Daily Question Mug
Coffee Mug
A non-prophet religion Edit: Replace the word "religion" with "set of beliefs" if you're picky about that sort of thing
One is demonized by the actions and beliefs of a small minority. The other believes in the wage gap myth.
Reebok bok bok
Vans of der Waals
Spring water.
Friend: "Motivational."
A: Post office.
Because they don't know the words.
A rehearsal
He stung her into action.
He wanted arrays. It had to be reiterated several times before it was sorted out.
It always had some sort of weed on it!
With an unlocked kitchen door
Because they need a man to do it for them
while holding the baby. I can't believe it was legal for me to reproduce.
Because they don't believe in higher powers.
They both know when it's time to turn things over.