A crowd.
Interactive Joke of the Day Mug
Coffee Mug
Find the guy wearing a rebel flag.
It's not hard...
He fry through it!
It was unmiscible.
They're the ones with stretch marks around their lips.
crowd goes wild B:I SAID WHO WANTS TO HEAR SOME SYMPHONIES *crowd goes nuts B:I CANT HEAR YOU!
1. Shout 0800 00 2. Wait for them to shout 1066.
They're the ones shouting "Black Lives Matter!"
from crowd look at the one guys hair! LMFAO *they look at each other*
They both work on crowded platforms.
Couple's Daily Question Mug
Because they didn't get their nickel back.
East Timor
because it's the only time a black man can tell a crowd of white people to put their hands in the air.
Chess nuts boasting in an open foyer.
Because they'd rather see them raven. Obligatory apology: saw a headline and couldn't resist.
a crowbar!
To get to the Otherside!
Because he was a dirty double crosser.
Just wait. They'll tell you.
Please wait...
He found his pair a' dice!
Because if they all went, it would be Hell.
It ends.
Because he never sleeps in much!
Because the seaweed.
because the sea weed.
Because they're infeggtious
THE LIVER. ometrist will copyright this joke. hopefully.