A crowd.
Interactive Joke of the Day Mug
Coffee Mug
Find the guy wearing a rebel flag.
It's not hard...
He fry through it!
It was unmiscible.
They're the ones with stretch marks around their lips.
crowd goes wild B:I SAID WHO WANTS TO HEAR SOME SYMPHONIES *crowd goes nuts B:I CANT HEAR YOU!
1. Shout 0800 00 2. Wait for them to shout 1066.
They're the ones shouting "Black Lives Matter!"
from crowd look at the one guys hair! LMFAO *they look at each other*
They both work on crowded platforms.
Couple's Daily Question Mug
Because they didn't get their nickel back.
East Timor
because it's the only time a black man can tell a crowd of white people to put their hands in the air.
Chess nuts boasting in an open foyer.
An orcastra
A symphony
About an hour
Skip to the next track
A fireside rug you can get a good hump on.
It takes longer to pick up.
Set her tampon string on fire.
A Barbecue. Christmas crackers are just full of laughs.
Waiter: Well you know how slow turtles are.
Deep ends really.
Because he was so full of himself.
A: Oil of Ole'
Because they're constantly drilling for oil.
Water Polio
The restraining order