They cant find their home
Interactive Joke of the Day Mug
Coffee Mug
Because they don't know were home is! XD
If most people leave before shooting starts.
A: We don't know. Light bulbs last longer than studio executives.
Anether(another) Nether
Nether of them have a pop.
His PURR-ents
I charge five dollars if its a boy and five dollars if its a girl. Lets just say this ones on the house.
T They're just trying to raise a family.
Because he screwed up the delivery...
Because of all the Cheetahs!
Too many cheetahs
A round of applause ...because they all have the clap.
Tell them to clap until daddy gets home
the fam copter
I'll lay down and you can blow the hell out of me!
Dad replies: "I don't know honey, but I think, hitting him would be very wrong."