Get in the car"
Interactive Joke of the Day Mug
Coffee Mug
Batman can go inside a store without Robin
He was Robin.
Batman can go out at night without Robin
Robin, get in the Batmobile."
Robin, get in the batmobile! (credits to )
Batman can go to a store without robin.
To the Batmobile!"
He would be robin.
They became flatman and ribbon. has left the building.
Batman can go into a store without robin....
Couple's Daily Question Mug
Bat man can go a whole night without robin
They can't go into a store without Robin
He can't go anywhere without Robin'
Batman can go to the store with out robin.
A: Because Robin ate the worms.
Batman can go in a store without Robin.
Batman can go into a convenience store without Robin.
A: Flatman and Ribbon
A bird who steals !
Batman can go out at night without Robin. Ba-Dum-Tis!!!!!!!
Batman can walk into a store without Robin
Batman. Why Because he can't go out at night without Robin!
Flatman and Ribbon
Flatman and Ribbon !
An oviposition set
Because he lost his bat, man.
They don't like rich people in Robin's hood
Fred: A bird that steals ma'am.
Robin, is that you
Batman: *glares at Robin* Gordon: Yeah, what if it- Batman: *smoke bomb*
By tree mail!
He was looking for Robin's nest.
Batman can go to the store without robin'
A Robin Williams.
A dead bird.
Get in the batmobile, Robin"
Get in, Robin.
A: To meet chicks.
Nothing - either way someone's gonna lose a trailer *shamelessly stolen from Robin Williams
Tell them to clap until daddy gets home
When he was told to "go big or go home," he only had one option. (I've posted this joke here before, but I believe I've been the first, so if you recognize it as a repost it's because I wanted to tell it again!)
A person who stays up all night wondering whether or not there is a dog.
He has claw marks on his forehead.
When the frostbite is worse then the frostbark.
A bvr
Gone private.
Nothing. Because rocks don't talk and geology's not funny.
A blender. How do you get them out Tortilla chips.
It's nacho fault.