Christian Bale.
Couple's Daily Question Mug
Coffee Mug
Get in the car"
Christian Bale Hah
Batman can go inside a store without Robin
Na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na BATMAN!!
Batman can go out at night without Robin
He's ben affleckted.
Because he has 3 dead parents and Bruce only has 2
Interactive Joke of the Day Mug
Just ice
Jokes about Batman's parents can get old.
The dark knight rises
Just Ice
She doesn't because she's dead.
The krypton-knight.
The Dark Knightrogen
The Dark Knight Rises.
Bn. (B "atma" n)
Because no one would care that he died.
Dew diligance
Batman can go to a store without robin.
I'm Batman.
A Christian Bale
The Just-Ice League.
Just ice.
The Family Channel.
He made them Batman.
To the Batmobile!"
Because the citizens of Gotham aren't morons, like those idiots over in Metropolis
They don't they're dead.
She doesn't, she's dead
Gravely voice) "Just ice."
Make it Wayne.
Because it was rated "PG"
Conditioner Gordon.
He would be robin.
Batman can go in a convenience store without Robbin.
They became flatman and ribbon. has left the building.
Got Ham?
The kids walked out of Ice Age 4... Alive
Batman can go into a store without robin....
Nothing. She's dead.
Because when he grows up he will be Batman.
Bat man can go a whole night without robin
They can't go into a store without Robin
He can't go anywhere without Robin'
Batman can go to the store with out robin.
What does Batman say when he goes down on a woman? To the bat cave!
Because Christian Baled
Batman isn't wearing hockey pads.
A: Because Robin ate the worms.
Batman can go in a store without Robin.
A Night at the Opera.
Batman can go into a convenience store without Robin.
Wrong, Batman always wins.   Yes, I do have the sense of humor of a 5 year old.
A: Flatman and Ribbon
Neither one of them get r/dadjokes
Batman: my parents Riddler: no its a bowling ball! I-im so sorry!
A Chiroptopracter.
Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na
Batman: So we match. Look, this isn't about me.
leaves Earth*
Batman can go out at night without Robin. Ba-Dum-Tis!!!!!!!
Sorry, still calling you Bruce! I found this on Facebook somewhere; I dunno who to get credit to.
Got ham
Can I get that..Just ice"
Batman can walk into a store without Robin
Vanilla Bane!
Batman's Parents.
Bruce Wayne.
Batman. Why Because he can't go out at night without Robin!
NaNaNaNaNaNaNaNaNa BATMAN i'll just see myself out....
Batman can go to the store without robin Edit: glad you'll liked it :-)
A Christian bail
Me: Sound it out. What makes the na na na na na na na na na sound 4: Batman (Spelling is hard)
Flatman and Ribbon
Batman: *glares at Robin* Gordon: Yeah, what if it- Batman: *smoke bomb*
FLASH... AAAHHHHHHHH. Its the language of the universe...
Robbin' hood
Because he likes candy... *I'll walk myself out*
Good morniiiiiiing ladies!"
Ba dum
Poor, Old, Niagga, Thinks, It's, A, Cadillac. Ba dum tssss
God doesn't walk around thinking he's a doctor.
Love doesn't burn. What's worst part about making love to a dead baby. Digging up the coffin. How long does take to play hide and seek with a dead baby? It depends how small the pieces are.
You Barium.
He got the stuffing knocked out of him.
What do you call a Syrian refugee on the Mediterranean? Bob What does a Syrian refugee call their pet? Dinner What's grosser than gross? Two Syrian refugees fighting over a tampon.
He didn't like nuns.
Duderonomy! They also like Leviticus.