They don't like getting sand in their crack.
Couple's Daily Question Mug
Coffee Mug
Because he doesn't like being followed.
Because he's a pervert that likes showing people his snowballs.
Anything you like, what are they going to do about it?
A Communist
Because they don't like Turkey
There are too many Links.
Wrap music
It was his own Strange Brew. You would be Moranic not to like it.
He drowned them in the morning.
Interactive Joke of the Day Mug
He looks at your shoes instead of his
A Labragoogle.
They like horsin' around.
They both like to throw a ho-down.
The purchaser.
Duderonomy! They also like Leviticus.
Because they are pretty and hurt you.
Summer, they like it before it's cool
Thought of this one on my own while playing WoW a couple days ago and I'm pretty sure it hasn't been told before. I like corny jokes. I Googled it and didn't find anything (:
Because they don't like random people knocking on their doors
A Durantula.
So they can do math
Because they never have any sandwiches.
Me too, I like the saltyness
A subwoofer.
Because Allah likes digimon
A cusstomer
North West
Because he doesn't like looking down on the unemployed. First to ever post this joke here, yay!
They both like to crack open a cold one
A Fungi!
Whatever you like, what's he going to do about it anyway?
They've always enjoyed rounding up Japanese monsters.
Because it reminds them of home.
Because they don't like Nice people.
Fried, scrambled, or fertilized?
Because he liked to meddle.
They don't like the taste of being the minority!
Them: I think it's Lit Me: I mean I like the song but I wouldn't call it lit...
None. They like to keep their subscribers in the dark.
Ramen! Before you judge harshly, I would like to state that this was invented by a six year old, all on his own, no coaching.
They don't like to look down on the unemployed
Because they like to play with each other's oui oui.
Because german soldiers like to march in the shade
A personal space man
It doesn't like Cats.
A palm tree
Because he couldn't handle a few shots
He liked his rhinos sunny side up.
A so-be-it union.
They didn't like the public displays of abstraction.
Vegetta balls
Cause Allies don't like axis powers
She gives you the eye.
That's lacist.
A Pastafarian.
Getting Waisted
Asking for a friend.
Bobby Fillet
A fetaphile
All that salt must make them thirsty.
Simon 16
Crate and Barrel.
That Old Thai Moroccan Roll.
Because he doesn't exist.
A lot of likes
Get hammered.
Nobody likes the black ones.
Chapped lips
One. We are efficient and don't like humour.
He likes it dirty.
Because every time he did, he'd catch a whopper.
The mafia doesn't like witnesses.
A ricest.
Your girlfriend!
Seven - one to actually change the bulb and six to complain that they liked the old one better.
a baaahhhd movie. ( )
Because for one they aren't on the receiving end! Yes I know i am being racist, so dont point it out
A Racist!
I liked the leftovers before they were cool.
Would you like to buy some girl scout cookies, sir?"
James Bonding bah dun tss
If you like it then you shudda put a ringtone on it.
Because it was a chesnut tree.
Netflix and pills :D
Because the stakes were high!
He likes his drinks shaken, not stirred.
A person that likes to tell anti jokes.
H Edit: I don't like explaining jokes but since the first guy didn't get I might as well: When pronounced in a French accent it sounds like ash.
If you have to explain it then it is not that good.
He couldn't take a joke.
They don't like any witnesses.
Me: 22. Wife: How many with witnesses Me: Almost 1.
Because the horse hugs the rails the jockey puts his arms around the horse and you can kiss your money goodbye!
An arm and a leg edit: slightly improved punchline
Beef Jerky
God: Like one second. Mortal: What is a million dollars like to you God: Like one penny. Mortal: Can I have a penny God: Just a second.
Only one but it takes eight million years.
Tyrone Lannister
Elon Musk
So people do not take him as a conjurer of cheap tricks.
She identified as pump-kin.
In case he got a hole-in-one!
Nothing. They just waved.