They have no idea where home is.
Interactive Joke of the Day Mug
Coffee Mug
No idea :)
Brailleant ones. Sauce: Am blind.
Does it have to be a light bulb? 'Cause I had this other idea...
He finishes her drink EDIT: Apparently this is Conan's joke, so all credit goes to him. I just heard it from a friend of mine and I had no idea.
I have no idea, Your Honor, but he was coming right at me and I felt my life was at risk.
A Racist!
Most people like the idea of pizza better.
I have no idea...
i actually don't know where to post this idea, true jokes maybe?... There has to be a food for thought sub. This is your OP, I promise to deliver!
Somebody had an idea.
Couple's Daily Question Mug
The Internship
I have no idea, but this looks like a good joke. So post your proposals in comments.
I'm going to be the mother of your children." I have no idea whether the joke is lost in translation...
I have no Idea.
A jolly rancher! Hahahahahahahahah you guys have no idea how alone I am.
I have no idea, I just know they aren't free
In a skeptic tank. (Note: I just made up this joke earlier today. I'm not 100% sure the joke is obvious feel free to suggest a better wording!)
The octopus. I have no idea what to do with my hands most of the time, and I only have two of them.
Because non of the customers are ever comfortable with the idea of buying a house with a Hawk in the closet.
M: Do u have ANY idea how much paperwork I've got to do
I've got no idea, but it probably can pick cotton like hell.
Nah" "Yummy choccy bake " "No" Guy who named the orange: I have an idea...
Cut to me trapped inside a tiny house made from Lego* I've no idea to be honest with you...
Son: She took it like a lamb Teacher: Really what did she say Son: Baa!
Do you have any idea how bright a nuke is
Ben Franklin discovered electricity with a kite.
No idea." "Denim." "Denim " "Denim denim denim denim denim..."
Wife: No idea Memory foam pillow: Two years, five months and two days
BUZZ LIGHTYEAR: I have an idea...
Me: i have no idea what he's for
I have no idea.
If you're dying to be hurt so badly, I've got a baseball bat for that.
I have no idea. Nobody ever tried.
Only 2, but I have no idea how you're gonna fit both of them inside a lightbulb.
I have no idea but I wouldn't try milking it.
ME: I have no idea
A fried Chicken leg
Richard Branson.
HULK'S MASH! no idea where she picked it up from, but it made me chuckle
The both have no idea why everyone stopped talking and just stared at her.
The pirate responds, "arrr! I've no idea, but it's drivin' me nuts!"
In a tone like you have no idea) "No bunny nose" -Made up this morning in bed to a very dissatisfied girlfriend
Nigerian Prince Thanks r/askreddit for the idea
I have no idea honestly, you would have to ask him
A: Cos they've no idea of the route.
queried the octopus. "Oh, I have inside information" said the whale.
They have an engineering degree.
A dim light.
No idea.
I have no idea because the actual joke is always in the comments.
They have no idea what 12 inches actually looks like. I for some reason could not find a way to phrase this any better. Credit to my coworker.
5/3. The same amount as for whites.
Two: One to change it, and the other one to change it back again.
OC) Because he had the power of a torn knee
Because the barracuda believed that "anemone of my enemy is a friend."
Boy Hero: I had to do it. He had my skates on.
Both have a huge bellend swinging his weight around inside
Second Kangaroo: The elephant has a better memory.
At the moment this joke.
It would cause them to be disappointed on many different levels.
There are so many Wings and Wongs, you might wing a wong number.
Barbecue sauce
Don't be alfredo.
I don't know, I just fly drones.
No idea man, im just flying the drone.