None, even if you win, you're still retarded.
Couple's Daily Question Mug
Coffee Mug
Because they have already looted everything they would have bought anyway.
Me: picturing myself leading an army of gorillas into battle "Independence."
Joe: I won it in a race. Bill: How many people participated in it Joe: Three a policeman the owner of the watch and me!!
Dad jokes are punnier.
Santa stops at three hoes.
They peng-win
Imagine there's a race of people called customers. Now imagine you're a huge racist.
To learn about gorilla warfare.
To loot the pharmacy on the other side
None they can't change anything.
I met a homeless guy on the beach in Los Angeles & thought "Wow this guy has it made"
Har e-potter.
If at first you don't succeed Fry Fry again
She wanted to buy an algae bra.