A little fish that smells like fingers.
Couple's Daily Question Mug
Coffee Mug
A can of people !
Because they climb into tins close the lid and leave teh key outside !
He was legendary for pulling out.
You ask them to leave.
Pay for the pizza and close the door.
They use Force quit.
A mountain gloat.
He used to climb over walls.
One of his fingers is clean
A: I'm in glove with you.
Knock on the door
He's the one with a parachute on his back.
Throw a tin of beans in there ..... How do you get them back out of it? Run past with the tin opener .....
Long time no sea.
Because if they lived by the Bay, they would be bagels! Honestly this cracked me up when I first heard it.
Can you smell carrot?
It has a Bernie smell.