A good start. P.S: N*ggers=Naggers. I hate those guys. What did you think?? )
When you put your hand down her pants you think you're feeding a horse.
A dog: He feeds me, takes care about me, gives me shelter... He is God. A cat: He feeds me, takes care about me, gives me shelter... I am God.
Sound FX CDs Whale noises
Shoot the guy that's pushing it
None of the girls had tramp stamps & you could smoke in hospitals.
The 911 victims. They went through 50 stories in a minute. I'm so sorry
Because he was too far out. Ba dum bum tissss
Because the land never waves back
because Americans are the most hated people in the world now.
Because all the kids have to play in side.
asks the neutron. "For you No charge."
Ya think it be the Arrrr, but it's really the C.
Awwwwwwwwwwwwmonds P.S. it's my birthday please love me
There is little bit of good in all of us. p.s. not racist, my shadow is black.
A good start.
A nagger.