They realized with a family like theirs, they really Cantaloupe.
A midwife crisis.
Because he didn't want his daughters to be called Ms. Steaks.
Awaken, my pump- "
He wanted to be with his family.
They are already cancelling it because it will never work and everyone wants it for free ...... lmao
It wasn't going over too well.
oc Because he cantaloupe.
Because they cantaloupe. This joke was brought to you by Dads inc.
Getting to the top and realizing it's all downhill from there.
Nothing because ghosts don't exist. Edit:Holy crap I just realized I didn't post this on /r/antijokes.
Plant it in the spring.
Because they cantaloupe..
Because they change theirs more often
Newborn girls.
Because they, like, can't even deal.
Dad: Ahh *rubs back of neck* At the Bellagio in Las Vegas. -Rly Dad: Wd I lie to u, Bestwestern Broomcloset