They've only gotta invite one family
Couple's Daily Question Mug
Coffee Mug
A bench can support a family of four.
Awaken, my pump- "
A pizza can feed a family of four
He wanted to be with his family.
Nice scarf! Must be cold where you came from! Do you guys want coffee?"
A pizza can feed a family
Having to admit you have autism :,P
All your chips and candy bars are family sized.
If they're black, they can't feed a family.
A couch can support a family
Interactive Joke of the Day Mug
They are just trying to raise a family in peace.
They realized with a family like theirs, they really Cantaloupe.
The pizza can feed a family of four.
Because there's no plate like chrome for the hollandaise.
For those of us that struggle with our family perhaps this will help break the ice.
Joint Family.
Pump kin.
The bench can support a family my first post here, a friend told me this joke.
A Joint family.
A family.
Mourning wood
Because he was Uber busy.
They are German and a tad-Polish"
A large pizza can feed a family.
Raise a family.
A pizza can feed a family.
Mounting pressure from his friends and family
His family died.
His family advertised it as a barbecue.
I rock. You Rock. We Rock. Disclaimer: This joke was made during a 6 hour road trip with the family. My only scenery was rocks.
mourning wood
An elevator can raise a family I'll just see myself out.
Your family has impeccable taste.
Gingerbread. Edit: This is more of an out-loud joke. So, maybe it'll help if it read: "Ginger-bred" instead.
He had a ruff week.. His life wasn't purrfect. His brother was a shellout. His mother's been a real crab lately. His family was really shellfish. He had no porpoise in life.
A large pizza can feed a family of four.
bartender: Why the long face Horse: My alcoholism is destroying my family.
Well I was sick of only being hated by coworkers and family so I wanted to branch out.
Well, there's my family and......OH MY GOD WHERE'S MY FAMILY ! !
The car and the bus both have wheels.
He lost hijab.
Because he screwed up the delivery...
He wanted to hang with his family.
I say "Because I didn't get drunk & do the football team, Sasha."
A pizza can feed a family of 4 (I'm black so I can say this)
A pizza can feed a family of four. Im sorry if I've offended any pizzas.
The bag of rice can feed a family of four.
A picnic table can support a family of four
I'd prefer if you included tigress
A pear. P.s. got this joke in a cracker. If anybody gets it can you please explain it. My family is stumped.
A pepperoni pizza can actually feed a family of five.
The dead baby can feed a family of four.
Pupil: Nobody I know!
Because his family had stock in the company.
This winter is very cold. Family is starve.
One rabbyte
1. Minimum wage 2. Police reform 3. Why are there raisins in this, Louise
A dining room table can stay and support a family of four.
A picnic table can support a family of 4.
Ending them.
The extra large pizza can feed a family of four.
removed (two children)
The pizza can feed a family.
The government is opposed to euthanasia.
A liberal arts major. I lied about the wheels.
He says Irish coffee is the only thing keeping this family together
The Bannisters
A dead baby can feed a family of four
The pizza can feed a family of four
ME: The packing implied that there would be a family that loves me inside the tent
T They're just trying to raise a family.
Trick question. Nobody invites feminists to a cookout.
Han Solo. Because he took a shot first.
I have no Hans"
Oops I burned one!
Me: It'll make u even more energetic than u already are 7: But u drink it all the time& u never have energy!
They start to fret.
Tulips on my pianist.
Nice to meet you. Wanna make a baby?
Do the math! Me: Seriously ! It's 2AM and I'm leading a meeting tomorrow
Me: Please hold all questions until the end.
You gotta be chitin me!