It's always sunni in Philadelphia
Couple's Daily Question Mug
Coffee Mug
Philadelphia, the city of brotherly love.
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia.
Turner, Front, Mascher, Cherry
Because it's always Sony in Philadelphia!
Reclaiming black bodies.
Must have been a duck family A duck family Didn't you say there was a quack in it !
Because it's always Sunni in Philadelphia.
And this is just their way of breaking the ice.
you turn me on"
Turn the stool upside-down
Boy: Hello? I need your help! 911: Alright, What is it? Boy: Two girls are fighting over me! 911: So what's your emergency? Boy: The ugly one is winning.
Turn of madden and go to bed. (I'm an eagles fan)
Paint it's balls red. Howed Tarzan die Picking cherries.
Cause she ran away from the ball
Allahu Ackbarrrrr!
Cause they say awoman.
He stopped believing in stereotypes.
When the train announces an arriving "Station", you can see it.
Grandma, that's Nicki Minaj.
Pound an alarm