They didn't know you could get Britain to leave by voting.
Couple's Daily Question Mug
Coffee Mug
Not being British.
Put Turkey in Greece to cook it, then cut it up and put it into Chile. Then put it on China and give it to Hungary.
They both couldn't vote before 1920
Because Democrat left a bad taste in her mouth!
When asked if they want to be economically joined with Greece, all they can say is "eeeeuuuuuuu"
All you gotta be is a little more than halfway into it and the pounds will start falling.
Because tea leaves.
Leave the dungeon door unlocked.
Leave the plunger in the toilet
The elephant of surprise. :)
Because they all joined
Clash of Clans
When the last person you want to see is the last person you see.
The family size.
Nobody at the ticket counter knows what "north career" means
Because they want to prevent people from bumming fags