I may be blind, but I can see why kids love the taste of Cinnamon Toast Crunch.
Interactive Joke of the Day Mug
Coffee Mug
Cereal Boast Crunch
Haulin' Oates
You can get cereal without nuts.
The one percent
Captain Crunch
They are both more enjoyable with dates!
Stop using Chex as a weapon!
Kellog's All Brain
Chris P.
Apple Jacks
Couple's Daily Question Mug
Cinnamon Ghost Crunch
Cereal pleasure to meet you !
Because he wanted to feel his oats!
Luckily Charms
Wind O's
A. Donut seeds.
A Cheerio.
Because she was a woman
Nothing, she was wearing mittens.
Because he tasted funny!
He met St. Peter at the pearly gates and St. Peter said was, "Please hold. Your soul is very important to us."
They meet up and crack each other up.
A Hodor...
Because it needs some bragging rights.
Pop,goes the weasel.
Two one to hold the bulb and the other to serve him beer until the room starts spinning.
Do you know anyone who has bowled a 300 and lost
You put it in a bowl and tell it go to a corner!