They both tell the audience what they are glad to hear. But at the end, the audience laughs at the comic, and the politician laughs at the audience.
Interactive Joke of the Day Mug
Coffee Mug
Q: Why did Joan Rivers die during throat surgery? A: Because her career as a comic was stuck, but no matter how he tried, the Dr. couldn't pull a laugh out of her.
Wait for him to give it back.
Sans Seraph
He just wasn't her type.
At oh-my-goodness! Skip
They both pull strings for work. (Inspired by Bo Burnham, this popped into my head the other day)
A human chu
Elderly me: I made my kids steak instead of hot dogs. Him: *gasps* You monster.
A: The same reason they sing Hymns instead of Hers!
Harriet Tubman was a heroine to the slaves the Red Hot Chili Peppers are slaves to the heroin!
Because the "p" is silent!
Those are the wrong Sais.
Look under his kilt and if he has a quarter pounder then he is a McDonald.
I had to draw my own conclusions.
Boy, do we have issues!