They use a cow-culator! Ba-dum-tsss!
Interactive Joke of the Day Mug
Coffee Mug
You use a cow-culator. Or you round them up. Or any other method the commenters want.
A cow-culator. haha haha ha ... ok, I'll leave.
With a cow-culator! (Rimshot)
A cow-culator! (Cue groans)
They can't tell the difference between 3 inches and 9 inches.
Because it's the little things that count.
Elopping shears
He wanted to get a long little doggy
Because he wanted the worst cellphone service in the world.
A roundhouse kick from Chuck Norris! However, this method will cause more destruction than the tornado.
Depends on which method you try....
A groan up!
An ironing board.
They're all, like, equal to me...
A math problem.
You can't lick a woman dry. Rimshot*