Why did the detective go to the apartment complex? So he could solve the staircase.
Interactive Joke of the Day Mug
Coffee Mug
With the bare-bones approach.
She couldn't solve inequalities.
It was a no buena My girlfriend is Mexican so I love Mexican jokes. Let me know if you have one!
None, that's what students are for.
Pro biotics and a healthy amount of fiber.
They just work it out with a pencil!
By feeding the poor to the hungry.
He works it out with a pencil! =
The cloths hanger only solves one problem.
Because they don't believe in higher powers
Couple's Daily Question Mug
Because they don't believe in higher powers.
He worked it out with a pencil!
Why did the house cross the road, One of the most difficult to solve cross the road jokes, I'll give the answer when you all give.
Just two. One to explain to the public that everything possible is being done to solve the problem, and the other to screw the lightbulb into the water faucet.
Special branch.
Becuase if there were it would be called solved
Ctrl - C, Ctrl - V
A problem. What do you call two Mexicans on the moon? A bigger problem. What do you call all the Mexicans on the moon? Problem solved.
I'm stumped.
They send a rubix cube up to see if it gets solved.
He solved for y! Thought this one up myself and thought it was post worthy
Pillow cases
Two dam bad! (OC!)
He put it in a conviction-oven.
She worked it out with a pencil.
both can be solved with a coat hanger
They had no leads.
He worked it out with a pencil.
Click. "Did I get it " Stevie Wonder solving a Rubik's Cube.
An algorithm.
Miami mice !
The same way he solved all other problems: He worked it out with a pencil and paper.
Because they're all criminals and they look the same.
A *cow*culater. I made it up myself, so don't groan at the pun.
A problem. What do you call every black person on the moon *Problem Solved*
He was stumped.
Problem. What do you call ten blacks on the moon Problems. What do you call the entire black population on the moon Problem solved.
Because then, it would be called Solved.
They don't believe in higher powers.
He worked it out with a pencil
Someone who solves a problem you didn't know you had in a way you don't understand.
A pirate aye!
Because he had to go with.
A skeleTON.
In the lab.
I'm gonna level with you.
He didn't understand the gravity of the situation.
A bachelor will go to the fridge, sees nothing he wants, and go to bed A married man will go the bed, sees nothing he wants, and go the fridge!
One roars with pain and the other pours with rain.
The Tooth Hurts Donut!
Well, that was an unexpected twist!
Putos (Ask your Mexican friend)
In a casket.
Two. One to do it, the other to give him his ribbon.
One, but you can be sure a whole Reddit community will appear to expand the joke, make it funnier and eventually run it into the ground.
He works it out with a pencil.
He works it out with a pencil