A Snack Pack...... I'm sorry
Interactive Joke of the Day Mug
Coffee Mug
Dingos with straws....!!
It takes 10 months to give it a good meal
Dingo: I'm making my famous baby coleslaw
Doctor: 10 Guy: 10 what ! 10 days, 10 months, 10 years Doctor: 9...8...7...6...5...
Bruno Mars: "When I see your faceeee" Girl: "Ok ok I get it."
She was having contractions.
The guy didn't pull it out fast enough!
The Difficult.
A Chihuahua that can draw and gnaw while obeying the law and lying on straw!
He went back four seconds.
Wife: He makes friends with the strangest things Me petting a bee: You're not strange are you Alan
A: So that they didn't have to bend down to pet it.
It takes two to make a dingo write.
A tutor