Reddit already. Downvote.
Interactive Joke of the Day Mug
Coffee Mug
Oranges have thick skin. Let the downvotes fly, people! You've only got one! Edit: Did not expect this joke to get this good of a reception. Thanks, guys!
Cause it doesn't want to be latte. Sorry. I just came up with this lame joke. Downvotes ahoy!
Wohahaha! That was funny! XD
He didn't, he was distributed evenly on both sides. Bernie supporters, please don't downvote me to hell, it's just a joke
The color. Yes, this is an anti-joke. Downvote please.
Ten. One to change it and nine to downvote for no reason.
Reposting an old joke that wasn't funny the first time. What gets you an upvote? Posting an original joke, or a funny joke I've heard before. What get's you 5 upvotes? Being
A barbie queue (BBQ)! Also, I made a quick sketch on my iPad. I found the genesis to this joke as a text note in my Evernote this morning, after what seemed like a night of free flow beers. Feel free to downvote me to oblivion.
Downvote it.
I've always been a fan or dark humor, so, what's the darkest joke you know. no boundaries, no getting offended. please don't downvote anyone because you find it offensive, that's life, get over it.
Couple's Daily Question Mug
They are both "in-bread" Downvote me to hell if you want. This is my only joke.
Yo Momma! My eight-year-old daughter wants to see how many upvotes she can get. Ten-year old brother is interested in downvotes.
What is a pirate's favourite letter
He let the others get away... I feel I'll be downvoted to hell for this...
It was a Riposte.
gt simplistic 10 letters
Short John Silver!
He played many more pieces.
None. Punks never changed anything.
Oh, please. Like they've ever changed anything that needed it.
Who gives a cluck (I wonder if the moderators will censor this joke merely on the grounds that it is categorically terrible )
A Brazilian. Saw this joke elsewhere and thought i'd share it here.
I mean think about it, One for Charmander One for Squirtle and one for your second charmander. (found that but it's against rules to post links lol so I'll just leave that here for a good laugh)
Wow, I did not expect this post to blow up
Hermione went alone and was attacked by a troll
Just thought of this earlier in the shower... Had gas ever since.
Denmark, Sweden and Norway.
Bernie bridges !
To send people to the other side.
A bear-icade