A flat.
Interactive Joke of the Day Mug
Coffee Mug
Because he'd already done the sharps and flats.
Because he can't run home
Curses! Foil again!
Her operations were not unprecedented.
Excuse me, I'm a little hoarse."
Because he couldn't find a date!
It couldn't get a date.
Because he didn't know the difference between Jose and Hose B.
I don't think you understand the gravity of the situation.
Because they don't understand CAPitalism
Bobbing for french fries.
You will get burned, you idiot.
Jack Danimals!
Eric Clapton would let a bag of cocaine fall out the window.
Once you're done enjoying the legs, thighs and breasts your left with a greasy box to stick your bone in.
By the time youre finished with the breast and thighs, all you have left is the greasy box to put your bone in.