Because none of their readers believe them when they receive a warning that it's their final issue.
Couple's Daily Question Mug
Coffee Mug
Because none of their plans are ill-conceived.
A hypochondriac
They're afraid of catching fire!
I replied "No, she's not that ugly"
There are too many Links.
x-post from /r/imgoingtohellforthis Islam
I can't believe someone would stoop so low.
Hardware breaks if you maintain it.
I can maintain polite conversation.
Because they don't have legs to walk, man.
A tennis ball!
Because Japan isn't good at basketball.
I have no-eye-deer! (Unless you're a dad, you may need to sound it out)
He forgot to cover his tracks! im
because it was being driven by a woman
Because there's a Target on every corner.