Because he overcame the dark side
Couple's Daily Question Mug
Coffee Mug
I'm Batman.
May I take your order?"
They became flatman and ribbon. has left the building.
Dr Doom. Yours " "Joker" stifles laughter "I HAVE OTHERS" "Ye-" "Penguin" just loses it
Why so Ceres
They just wanna watch the world burn
Got 'Em City.
A little plaque.
Attila the Bun.
One woman brings you into this world crying and the other ensures you continue to do so.
A no-bell prize
Because it's a "no bell" prize.
He got hit by a truck...
By having Mariah Carey drop the ball! "The audience can sing this one."
Because they're afraid of Wales!
They always get cold feet! I'll show myself out.
Dalek themselves clean
Two: one to shoot and one to sell him to shoot back.
It was made of pranks.
The visitors.
For the watch.