J-lo Cloths
Interactive Joke of the Day Mug
Coffee Mug
Question: What's the difference between Joan of Arc and a canoe? Answer: One is Maid of Orleans and the other is made of wood.
Because they must be able to "dust for Prince" I'll see myself out now
Because they don't do Windows
Cuz she left the plunger in the toilet. - Jackie Martling
Maid in China.
70. Cooking and 69.
She was maid in France !
Because someone threw a canoe at him !
Fur traders....
A. He uses "windows".
Because 7 ate 9.
To start some bacon
Do you see me in the kitchen discussing dishwashing strategies No. You don't.
Air condijoned. I'll see myself out.
dijon-vu mustard... (Sorry)
hint on Cauchy-Riemann theorem) A: Because it leaves residues at each Pole.
Leave the plunger in the toilet!
Her parents left the plunger in the toilet.
So they have something to do at night.
They are both full of crap.
No one knows, it's never been done.
Put it in water.