It was the knight time
Interactive Joke of the Day Mug
Coffee Mug
They storm the baaaastille.
Because they thought that they were the center of the universe.
One has hope in her soul, The other has soap in her hole.
How do you stay faithful in a room full of hoes?
They Rocked their doors.
With a hypotenuse.
Because the princess was always on another Castle.
They all have tur-rets
Vault Disney
Student: "Me Pilgrims." Teacher: "The Pilgrims " Student: "Yeah they made the Mayflower Compact."
Because they're constant in a pool.
Because its a bit too sow...
the surgeon asked the patient that was about to be anesthetized. "But doc this is my first operation." "Really It's mine too and I am not excited at all."
You're trying my patients!
Tree O'clock!
Here's mine: Did you hear about the guy who had to snort a line of baking soda every day? He was basically addicted.
A little shellfish! I'll
To make our bones stronger