Couple's Daily Question Mug
Coffee Mug
They take their prison population and school population to Rio.
None of the North Korean athletes defected.
A Brazilian. Saw this joke elsewhere and thought i'd share it here.
It was I, **RIO**!!!
He was on performance-enhancing rugs.
Wai Tu Yung
You stay here, I'll go on a head.
Because they can't even...
Carpet bombing.
They're writing their last will and testament.
He'd get it.
It's a fugazi.
They're both green, smell like farts, and will stay that way for 47 years.
Ones green and the other is black
Life's a bee-itch and then you die."
He stung her into action.
A: A hundred but they'll all be competing to be the one to change the bulb and bring light to the world.
Because religions don't like competing with an invisible power that actually works.