The same middle name. (Shamelessly stolen from Cortana.)
Couple's Daily Question Mug
Coffee Mug
Q: What would be a terrible name for a new beer A: "Mondays"...because no one would EVER want to buy a case of the Mondays...
Because they named him Stevie Twoder.
You never have to hear a dad joke. Edit. Just thought of this at work one day hope it's not a repost
Because they are surrounded by drafts!
Diner: Yes it's blown my steak off the plate three times.
Cause they can't protect their towers.
Because they can't protect their towers.
because they can't protect their towers
Because they cant defend towers.
His and Hearse towels
Because they'll steal all the green cards.
They had No Quarter
Old habits die hard
The Queen Bean. *Blatantly stolen from Ren & Stimpy
It was all a myth-take!