Two. One to hold the bulb and other to drink until the room spins.
Vladimir Putting
When you arrive at the international airport you are American. There is a room that changes your nationality. When you enter this room you are Russian, when you leave this room you are Finnish, and while inside European. What room is it?
Because you should never drink and derive.
Because it was making him moody.
None. TSA agents only know how to remove clothes putting them on is different matter completely.
Who cares, because How Can Light Be Real If Our Eyes Arent Real?
All of them. One to hold the bulb and the rest to screw the world.
Seven - one to actually change the bulb and six to complain that they liked the old one better.
It takes only one nail to hold the picture up
My son's 10 years... hold on... OFF THE COUCH! brb... convulsing.
Woah woah woah... I never said there was a lightbulb!
Put it in a square cup
Two. One to hold the bulb, and one to drink until the room starts spinning.
The Patriots