Why would you buy a chair or couch you can't even sit in What if it has burlap cushions stuffed w/hay
Infuse the gravy with cocaine.
Because they have no attachments.
You command vast powers beyond the scope of smaller minds, but to them all you do is wiggle your fingers and stuff just happens.
Because they make up an awful lot of stuff. EDIT: Because I forgot about neutrinos.
Is just one of the questions I should have asked before buying a lighthouse....
When it's going Cheep.
KUSHions please tell me that joke is funny, my girlfriend is trying to tell me that it isn't funny. We all know it is.
In the toilet.
Hell bad people
The Top Answers Was: Get The Hell Out Of My Bathroom!
14,000. 1 to hold the lightbulb, 4 to hold the chair, and 13,995 to spin the house.
They turn it over.
The parents move the furniture.
Because they take away your house, your car, your furniture and everything you have.