What did one ovary say to the other one? "Did you order any furniture?" "No. Why?" asked the other. "Cause there's two nuts out there trying to deliver an organ."
Interactive Joke of the Day Mug
Coffee Mug
Because they take away your house, your car, your furniture and everything you have.
The Ottoman Empire.
Elrond's cupboard.
A Reputable.
The parents move the furniture.
Get some furniture
The multiplication table.
They are just furniture with the ability to die.
Is that to differentiate them from the all those actresses that only play walls and bits of furniture
Couple's Daily Question Mug
A: Rearranged the furniture
Why would you buy a chair or couch you can't even sit in What if it has burlap cushions stuffed w/hay
From the ideal gnome exhibition !
Because he needed a stool sample.
The chair salesman gives YOU a stool sample.
He was trying to dodge the draft.
Nah Imma stay
And why is she wearing my underpants
Your grandparents.
One is cos(o), the other is Kosovo
The other one answers: -Oh fifty dollars, like everybody else, why
Who are you
Half a Romeo. I'll show myself out.
Because she wanted to wake up oily !
My n*gger and I'll paint him whatever color I want.
Patty O'Furniture
Paddy o' Furniture
Paddy O' furniture