Someone who lies awake at night if there really is a dog.
Couple's Daily Question Mug
Coffee Mug
Lie in bed wondering "Is there really a dog?"
Someone who lays awake at night wondering if there is a dog.
You stay up all night wondering if there's a dog.
A person who stays up all night contemplating the existence of dog.
Stays up all night pondering the existence of a dog
Reality *cries in the corner*
Lay awake, contemplating the existence of Dog.
A: A cramberry.
He stays awake all night wondering if there's a Dog.
Kick her out of bed
Two and a half minutes.
He read it in the Hobbituary.
I don't know, Vigo and see. (best read in Yanosh's voice)
Tequila mockingbird Or Ernest Hemingway
Tequila Mockingbird!
They lay down on their backs and put their legs and arms toward the sky.
A centipede