It was ground a few minutes ago.
Couple's Daily Question Mug
Coffee Mug
Flossless compression!
Have I got an ax to grind with you.
He made a spectacle of himself.
13 blackberries and 5 apples
They both grind on bones to make their bread.
Just because I'm an adult now doesn't mean I don't still need to grind on people to Lil' Jon songs.
200 ft: Aaaaaaaaa, bump 2 ft: Bump, aaaaaaaaa (Yes, it's an old, really old joke. Surprisingly haven't seen it here, yet.)
I shot him Why did the second kid fall out I stapled them together Why did the third kid fall out Peer pressure
They were both caused by a message from god.
Slow Dancing.
Because he had to go with.
Because you'd make a spectacle of yourself.
You have an ax-i-dent (accident).
It was an ax-I-dent.
Oh, Plebes.
Beekeepers. Because beauty is in the eye of the beeholder.
The fruits of her labor.
Marriage, you wanna?
It's the space between girlfriend and girl friend.