Because his nutritionist said he had too many minerals in his system!
Interactive Joke of the Day Mug
Coffee Mug
A carb-o-rater
They all have phones.
Nobody takes him for granite.
When one votes, it changes something, making things worse. When another votes, it doesn't change anything, making things worse.
Because they all joined
Interviewer:what is skeleton? Sardar:Sir, skeleton is a person who started dieting but forgot to stop it..!!!
Because he was still at large.
Everyone takes him for granite.
George: HIJKLMNO Teacher: Is that the formula I gave you George: Sure you said H to O !
Because it's playing dead.
You would turn red too if you had to change in front of everybody.
Four. One to change it and three to write the environmental-impact statement.
What's up Doc ' Check for bugs in your system.
Cause the system is broke, yo.