A snowfake.
Couple's Daily Question Mug
Coffee Mug
Just one, but first they have to sit in the dark for a year and then get letters from two electricians giving them permission.
An ill-eagle
She thought to yell for help, but her husband was nowhere around to grant her permission to do so.
A dun-GIN keeper. Edit: You have my permission to post this on r/dadjokes
None. They prefer to cry in the dark.
None, they will keep worshipping in dark.
Between you and me, I think something's up." I'm slightly tipsy, this is probably a terrible joke. Merry Christmas!
They are writing to Satan.
Impatient OC from r/dadjokes
Because she can't even. I'll be over in /r/dadjokes if you need me.
One does not simply fly in Turkish airspace without Erdogan's permission.
He wanted tequila.
A tweetment
One is against the law and the other is sick bird.
You punch her
He didn't see a porpoise...
A good start. P.S: N*ggers=Naggers. I hate those guys. What did you think?? )
Root Beer Floats!