A Pho queue
Interactive Joke of the Day Mug
Coffee Mug
Hey, pho queue, dude
Ugh.... Pho queue...
Pho queue
Pho queue.
A: U.K.
Both dropped the EU And screwed over a lot of people
The line at KFC
I weep uncontrollably when I cut them.
A knucklehead.
3-year-old: Woof woof. Me: Horses 3: Neigh. Me: Pigs 3: Sizzle sizzle. Somebody understands bacon.
Caw dude
Serifs up, dude!"
Both hate when people stick beef between two buns.
Pho Kyuu EDIT: No one understands how to pronounce "Pho". ;;
Because... they are so viet *ba dum tss*
We've had to wait 2,000 years for his second coming.
Oh wait, nevermind. I'm an idiot...*