RAM crackers
Couple's Daily Question Mug
Coffee Mug
It's ram a dam
He didn't see the ewe turn.
I'm PC2!
The Sirens of the Rams.
Memory loss.
Would #69 be too offensive?
Rama llama ding dongs
One's the year of the ram, the other is the ram of the year.
RAMs a make a dance!"
I can't memory my weiner in your mouth.
Interactive Joke of the Day Mug
Sorry to cache you out but I want the data closer. The RAM replied: you're right, "life" is too short.
ram a man
A: Third grade.
Mine's 1920x1080.
Marty Mc. FLyyyyyyyyy!
Because she kept throwing out all the W's
One costs a lot of money to maintain, keep running, and give you the results you want. The other has four wheels.
They both run at the first sign of emotion.
You can spill your beer on a fiddle.
You can tuna piano, but you can't piano a tuna.
His tungsten
He wanted to speak in tungsten.
Every time you are turned on, you're getting blown.
Gee, it's hard to say, although he did seem pretty shaken up about it.
The Flintstones.