A receding hare line.
Couple's Daily Question Mug
Coffee Mug
A receding hareline.
A receding hare line!
A receding hare-line.
Barber: It's not. Your scalp is advancing.
Just receding.
A: a receding hare-line.
A receding hairline.
Interactive Joke of the Day Mug
A receding hareline
A receding HARE line!
A Receding hairline
Just feel around. It's not hard.
Its not that hard
Because if it did, we'd have sent foreign aid by now.
100. One to actually clean it, and 99 to talk about how dirty it is.
Show him what you're made of!
One, and ten people to stand around clapping and saying "Aww, how brave."
Benoit B. Mandelbrot.
Barber: It's on the same old head.
Raisin bran
A drummer!!!!!
Because people get nervous when Mohammad starts counting down from 10.