Because in 3 days, he would be a raisin
Couple's Daily Question Mug
Coffee Mug
You only need one nail to hang the painting.
Last Supper
Check, mate.
A bit cross.
Lettuce, pray."
Second Cannibal: That was no girl that was my supper.
Brie me my supper !
Well, if you hadn't been so fresh last night, we wouldn't have ended up in this jam!"
They install at night, while you are asleep, without consent.
Check, mate!
He Double Gloucester.
Depends on how hard you throw them.
Santa stops at three Hos.
One baits his hook the other hates his book.
Everytime he dies he has to wait 3 days to respawn
R and Brie
A cross-dresser.
Because Jesus saves.
Wow, white folks are pretty smart. They run sitting down.