Because in 3 days, he would be a raisin
Interactive Joke of the Day Mug
Coffee Mug
You only need one nail to hang the painting.
Last Supper
Check, mate.
A bit cross.
Lettuce, pray."
Second Cannibal: That was no girl that was my supper.
Brie me my supper !
2. How do you resuscitate a drunk cat 3. Will they do an autopsy on a dead cat
Too many Tannens.
They're made to feel like the smallest person in the world.
You know when someone cancels plans you wanted to cancel anyway Almost as good as that.
Fo' drizzle....
LSD doesn't need to be drunk to hit me.
A Little Endian -I'll get the door.
A patchy..
So it could hide in the strawberry patch.... Have you ever seen an elephant in a strawberry patch? No? See, it worked!
It only takes one nail to hang a painting.
Lettuce alone!*
Lettuce get together!
Because he was hung like this
A Chrysler