There are no nails, and no screws, it's all tongue and groove!
A monster that climbs up the Empire State Building and catches aeroplanes with its tongue.
A lesbian with a hard on.
The illegal immigrant knows how to cook.
A Casualty (Casual-Tee, as in Tee-Shirt) 100% Guraneed Originality You can know for sure I made it up because of how corny it is...
It only takes two mice to screw in a light bulb. The hard part is getting them in there.
Because an elephant will screw anything with a trunk in the front. Thanks to a random guy outside of a 7/11.
The expression on their faces when they got nailed.
Nailed it!"
None stupid crusader, that's a job for the hostages!
Because as soon as they start they get fired.
Tartar sauce!
Militia Etheridge.
Tongue and groove.
No studs. All tongue in groove.
All tongue-in-groove, with no studs.